
Our primary school science curriculum is designed to nurture pupils' innate curiosity andScience widget to deepen their understanding of the natural and physical world. Our intent is to inspire scientific enquiry and critical thinking and to create an appreciation of the wonders of science.

We prioritise promoting cultural capital by introducing pupils to different environments and natural phenomena. Within biology, pupils learn to classify living things and develop a greater understanding of plants and animals.  Pupils learn about the properties of materials and how changing states of matter as part of chemistry learning. Furthermore, pupils learn about topics such as forces, electricity, light, sound and how humans can channel these to create varying forms of energy.

Through science learning, we explore disciplinary knowledge, what it means to be a scientist and explore the impact of significant individuals (scientists and scientific discovery). We empower pupils to ask questions, make hypotheses, and carry out purposeful scientific investigations with their peers, developing essential skills in observation, experimentation, and analysis.

Furthermore, language is integral to our science curriculum. It is the medium through which pupils communicate their findings, discuss their observations, and record their experiments. We encourage pupils to develop their scientific language, enabling them to express their ideas and share their discoveries with clarity and precision.

Subject Documents Date  
Science Curriculum Booklet 23rd Oct 2023 Download
Science Progression Document 23rd Oct 2023 Download